Friday, December 18, 2009
If you know how to email,
then you know how to blog
In my future workshops, I will teach people to simply email anything they wish to publish to a blog.
I can finish my workshop in less than a minute and have every confidence that everybody will start publishing to the web.
It takes no expertise and no cost to speak against injustice.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Stop hurting yourself and others with inconsistent data
Take a recent effort to enlist scholars to support 交大土木系劉俊秀教授 for his 新竹市長 bid as an example. I received such a request in an email and emailed back my endorsement on 2009-11-05. Professors 朱真一, 盧志華, 林宗光, 廖述宗 also promptly threw their weights behind 劉俊秀教授. Owing to the fact that email is a terrible way in gathering data of this nature, the lists of endorsers that are now circulating are different, inconsistent, incomplete and outdated. Here are three lists:
- An 2009-11-20 email from 台灣教授協會:
學界支持劉俊秀市長記者會 將於 11/27 (周五) 上午 10 點 於新竹市林森路60號競選總部舉行 連絡電話 03-5 268 268
我們的好朋友,交大土木系劉俊秀教授,在民進黨最艱困的時刻,接受徵召參選新竹市市長。這幾個月鴨子划水的努力, 12月5日就要投票了,已經有相當的回響,而且聲勢持續加溫。 在最後一個月的衝刺期,請你參加聯署,給他關鍵的力量。
2008年國民黨大獲全勝掌控立法院;同年總統選舉,國民黨又以領先差距勝選。有見之士雖已預言一黨獨大的嚴重危害, 2009年和以但馬政府不顧民意蠻橫強幹的急統傾中,對中共的卑顏屈膝, 對人民的傲慢,對治國的無能,還是超乎最壞的預期。 現在的馬政府,府院、立院、法院、媒體,一條鞭; 後,台灣人民除了選票,只能坐以待斃。
對台灣的政局與未來,我們憂心焦慮;對國民黨,我們無奈;對民進黨,我們也許不免失望;但我們沒有冷漠的餘地, 我們更沒有放棄的權力。劉俊秀以毅然參選來擔當信念, 我們用聯署來發揮影響力,喚回曾有的理想與熱情。
後援會會長 褚德三 交大
榮譽會長 林明璋 交大(中研院院士)
台教會會長 陳儀深 中研院
鄭天佐(中研院院士)、廖述宗 (中央研究院院士,美國芝加哥大學教授)、
紀國鐘、江進福、陳鄰安、洪慧念、林健正、楊谷洋、王耀德、高文芳、林貴林、吳宗信、蕭國模、蘇育德、林盈達、林清安、 (以上交大)、鄭復平、洪士林、林昌佑、黃炯憲、廖志中、吳永照、張良正、 張憲國、陳誠直、趙文成、黃世昌、單信瑜、陳榮傑、楊賜麟、 蔡春進、林秀幸、許維德、吳卓諭、柯朝欽、闕河鳴
游志雲、呂忠津、王懷權、江永進、楊克峻、吳泉源、李丁讚、吳介民、古明君、金守民、黃倩玉、莊克士、周碧娥、祝平次、 (以上清華)、陳朝欽、陳茂生、陳萬益
范文芳 (新竹教大)、
黃哲彥 (聖經書院)、
何建明 (中央研究院)、
施志汶、紀文鎮、楊瑞瑟、鄭湧涇 (台師大)、
戴寶村、薛化元 (政大)、
傅大為、蔡東湖 (陽明)、
林意楨 (淡江大學)、
楊其文、楊聰賢 (台北藝大)、
李筱峰 (台北教育大學)
劉聰德 (台科大)
林詠凱 (文化大學)、
張正修 (開南大學)、
劉初枝、何清人 (輔大)、
張奉文 (中央大學)、
廖宜恩、董建宏、戴憲弘 (中興)、
郭錦津 (逢甲)、
邱賜程 (僑光科技大學)、
周德璋 (中正大學)、
鄭瑞明、李漢偉、洪慶宜、卓春英、吳麗珍、許舜欽、張瑞吉(長榮大學 )、
楊澤泉、黃文宏、何明字、林明發、石豐宇、黃正雄、李輝煌(成大) 、
張振鵬 (台南科技大學)、
范盛保 (崑山科大)、
李忠潘 (中山大學)、
吳樹民 (高雄醫學大學)、
翁銘章 (高雄大學)、
林鐵雄、鄭榮祿、江仲驊 (義守大學)、
簡文通、陳淑恩、李佳言、胡惠文、洪廷甫、楊茹媛 (屏東科技大學)、
謝若蘭 (東華大學)、
劉如峰 (美國德州大學安德遜癌症中心)、
王泰澤 (美國退休教授,NATPA會員)、
陳永昌 (英國 Times-QS 世界大學排名評鑑評鑑委員)、
許主峰 (台灣國際珍古德生態保育協會理事)、
吳成三 (台灣的店)、
林炳炎 (台電退休資深課長)、
姓名 單位 職稱 Email/手機
或寄 給吳宗信,
或寄 給許維德
競選歌曲: 新竹之歌 李敏勇昨詞.詹宏達作曲[官網背景音樂]
劉俊秀- 維基百科 - 劉俊秀市長競選總部網站
後援會會長 褚德三 交大
榮譽會長 林明璋 交大(中研院院士)
台教會會長 陳儀深 中研院鄭天佐(中研院院士)、
紀國鐘、江進福、陳鄰安、洪慧念、林健正、楊谷洋、王耀德、高文芳、林貴林、吳宗信、蘇育德、林盈達、林清安、鄭復平、洪士林、林昌佑、黃炯憲、廖志中、 吳永照、張良正、張憲國、陳誠直、趙文成、單信瑜、陳榮傑、楊賜麟、蔡春進、林秀幸、許維德、吳卓諭、柯朝欽、闕河鳴 (以上交大)、楊聰賢 (台北藝大/交大)、游志雲、呂忠津、王懷權、江永進、楊克峻、吳泉源、李丁讚、吳介民、古明君、金守民、黃倩玉、莊克士、周碧娥、祝平次、陳朝欽 (以上清華)、
范文芳 (新竹教大)、曾建元(中華大學)、黃哲彥 (聖經書院)、
楊信男、詹長權(台大)、傅大為(陽明)、劉初枝(輔大)、張奉文(中央大學)、廖宜恩 (中興)、鄭瑞明、李漢偉 (長榮大學)、楊澤泉 (成大)、范盛保 (崑山科大)、簡文通、陳淑恩、李佳言、胡惠文、洪廷甫、楊茹媛 (屏東科技大學)、柯玲真老師(台北教大)、劉孟堅博士(冠積企業公司)、湯俊彥主任(永豐餘研究中心)
…..名單持續增加中 - 城市工程師 建設大新竹 3 大城市 大建設
後援會會長 褚德三 交大
榮譽會長 林明璋 交大(中研院院士)
台教會會長 陳儀深 中研院
鄭天佐(中研院院士)、廖述宗 (中央研究院院士,美國芝加哥大學教授)、
紀國鐘、江進福、陳鄰安、洪慧念、林健正、楊谷洋、王耀德、高文芳、林貴林、吳宗信、蕭國模、蘇育德、林盈達、林清安、鄭復平、洪士林、林昌佑、黃炯憲、 廖志中、吳永照、張良正、張憲國、陳誠直、趙文成、黃世昌、單信瑜、陳榮傑、楊賜麟、葉弘德、蔡春進、林秀幸、許維德、吳卓諭、柯朝欽、闕河鳴 (以上交大)、
游志雲、呂忠津、王懷權、江永進、楊克峻、吳泉源、李丁讚、吳介民、古明君、金守民、黃倩玉、莊克士、周碧娥、祝平次、陳朝欽、陳茂生、陳萬益 (以上清華)、
范文芳 (新竹教大)、曾建元(中華大學)、黃哲彥 (聖經書院)、
何建明、廖弘源、高明達、陳孟彰、施純傑、莊庭瑞 (中央研究院)、
楊信男、詹長權、高成炎、蔡丁貴、陳榮銳、施信民、游偉絢 (台大)、
莊萬壽、施志汶、紀文鎮、楊瑞瑟、鄭湧涇 (台師大)、
戴寶村、薛化元 (政大)、
郭正典(台北榮總教學研究部)、傅大為、蔡東湖、張學逸 (陽明)、
林意楨 (淡江大學)、
楊其文、楊聰賢 (台北藝大)、
李筱峰 (台北教育大學)、
劉聰德、 李漢銘 (台科大)、
林詠凱 (文化大學)、
張正修、彭百顯 (開南大學)、
劉初枝、何清人 (輔大)、
張奉文 (中央大學)、
廖宜恩、董建宏、戴憲弘 (中興)、
郭錦津、劉曜華 (逢甲)、
邱賜程 (僑光科技大學)、
周德璋 (中正大學)、
張振鵬 (台南科技大學)、
范盛保 (崑山科大)、
李忠潘 (中山大學)、
吳樹民 (高雄醫學大學)、
翁銘章 (高雄大學)、
林鐵雄、鄭榮祿、江仲驊 (義守大學)、
簡文通、陳淑恩、李佳言、胡惠文、洪廷甫、楊茹媛 (屏東科技大學)、
謝若蘭、沈乃慧 (東華大學)、
劉如峰 (美國德州大學安德遜癌症中心)、
王泰澤 (美國退休教授,NATPA會員)、
陳永昌 (英國 Times-QS 世界大學排名評鑑評鑑委員)、
許主峰 (台灣國際珍古德生態保育協會理事)、
吳成三 (台灣的店)、
黃帝穎律師 (台灣青年智庫法律與政府研究中心主任、
翁敏航博士 (金屬工業研發中心)
林炳炎 (台電退休資深課長)、
I ordered new checks from my bank. But the new checks did not come after three weeks. Why? It turned out that the check company DELUXE Corp printed and mailed out new checks using my old address. The checks with wrong address were returned to DELUXE Corp while I waited for these checks. Everybody was a loser except perhaps the Postal service. All the suffering could have been avoided if the DELUXE Corp was smart enough to use my updated address from the bank.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Don't be conned into giving away your account information
How did I know this was a phishing attack? Because the link address (URL) behind (don't click) is
So when I click the link, I am not viewing a google page, but a page from an outfit called
If you already fell for this, immediately change your password to reclaim your account. Otherwise, the consequence can be serious.
Subject: Urgent Notice: Your Gmail account will be blocked
From: Gmail Group
Dear User
Your account due to unusual account activity will be blocked, which may
be caused by the following
1.In the short period of time receiving, deleting, or downloading large
amounts of mail (via POP).
2.sending a large number of undeliverable messages (returned mail).
3.You used third-party software that automatically log in to your account.
4.Browser-related issues. You may need to clear your browser's Cookie.
To not affect your normal use, please log on the following link to activate account
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Advices on mailers and Google Groups
- Stop (today, not next month) using any mailer that does not allow threaded presentation of messages. Use mailers that allow both threaded and un-threaded presentations.
- Stop (today, not next month) using any mailer that does not allow you to filter unwanted messages intuitively and quickly.
- Use mailers that allow drag and drop, shift-clicking and control-clicking.
- If you are a member of a Google Group, you should (read MUST) have a Google account. Your Google account will make your life much easier. It allows you (after log in)
- to read and search your Google group mail archives. Note that a corollary of this is that you do not need to store any of your group messages.
- to change your group status. For example, you can opt for one digest message a day when you are overwhelmed by the volume of the messages, or even to opt for no mail.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
How to lie in the Internet age? Don't!
Let me use Ma Ying-Jeou as an example. Notwithstanding the KMT/CCP media packaging, the many news and videos showing how he lies, how he deposited public fund into his personal bank accounts, ... will live forever. Anyone, anywhere can watch and read them anytime and say: What a miserable and shameless liar! Ma and his offspring will need to live with these ever growing mountains of records detailing his atrocities. For example, this youTube video 戳破馬英九不承認特別費是公費 will live forever, played again and again. There is nothing Ma's makeup artists or KMT/CCP historians can do.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Computer literacy can save Taiwan
CCP and KMT keep on spreading a lie that Taiwan is part of china against historical facts. Taiwanese are not Chinese and do not want to be Chinese.I now describe how to start with nothing in the morning, but collect 10,000,000 signatures by the end of the day.
- Create an endorsement web page using one of the many free petition hosting sites or alternatives such as Google spreasheet
- Email out request for endorsement
- Get foot soldiers to go door-to-door, Si-Men-Ding, Department Stores, Bullet Trains Stations, ... with a notebook computer quipped with a 3G device for Internet access to gather signatures. This has the added benefit of connecting to voters in meaningful ways.
This is extremely attractive because
- it cost little money to carry out
- it does not take a committee to approve or debate to no end. A person can start the project. Whether it succeeds in collecting enough signature is a reflection of people's will.
- if you do not succeed, keep on trying until you do
- remember that Taiwan is not democratic because KMT never allows people the birthrights of referendum. Electronic signing/voting is a low-cost way to tell KMT that we do not need its permission for referendum. Electronic voting is the next generation referendum. We are paving ways to a democratic country.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Alibi everywhere
Take web browsers or mailers for example. Each visit of a web page is recorded in the browser history file, complete with the title and URL (address) of the page, and date time of the visit. For emailing, every outgoing message carries with it the time the message is sent and a copy is usually stored in the Sent folder of the mailer.
Some people are afraid that such information might become incriminating, so they deliberately delete such records. For example, a kid who has spent a few hours using family computer visiting sites that parents do not approve may delete the browser history before parents come back from work.
Sometimes, such records can become useful alibi or evidences.
Here is a real example. I received a bill from a consultant, charging me for two hours of meeting time from 3 to 5 on 2009-02-20. I pointed out to the consultant that the meeting took less than an hour, but he insisted that two hours were correct. If there are no records to prove one way or the other, this would be his words against mine. There are many potentially useful records to look into, such as parking records for the meeting, shopping receipt at a Seven-Eleven on my way back from consultant's office, or charge receipt at a gas pump, etc. I found supporting evidence from my office Mac's Firefox browser history file. It showed that
- at 2:43PM, I visited Mapquest for direction to the consultant's office, and
- at 4:45 PM, I was using Gmail in my office
If you need such time records,
- think about things you did that carried a time-stamp such as phone calls, visit to ATM machines, editing a file on your PC, etc.
- Usually, the time records stored on a server that you cannot alter are more trusted than the records in your possession. For example, phone call records provided by the phone company or the access record on a web server that matches your browser history file should be accepted as trustworthy.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wrong ways to collect petition signatures
- Unless the person in charge of the operation is a good programmer, the received messages are likely to be processed manually to glean out the endorsers. This is extremely time-consuming and clearly not scalable.
- If a person manually extracts endorser information from the email messages, then the person is not a sophisticated computer user. Consequently, the endorser data collected is unlikely to be stored in an intelligent fashion such as using a database. The result is that it is not easy to analyze the collected data, to glean information out of it and to generate reports, etc.
- takes seconds to set up and use
- are free
Monday, April 20, 2009
How to publicize KMT's crimes against humanity
A-gu (阿牛) translated the above list into English in his blog Laundry list of sins:
韋禎 and A-gu (阿牛) made contribution to humanity by publicizing KMT's crimes. In both cases, the crime data is simple text. Consequently, the data does not allow easy query (such as when did this occur? What is the reference URL? etc). Neither does it allow alternative way of presentation, short of a rewrite of the article. They can do better, without much more work, by using a database to store data.It can be hard to remember all the ways in which the KMT government under President Ma Ying-jeou has been pushing Taiwan back from the progress made during the DPP's last 8 years into darker times. So Wei-chen does us the favor of cataloging them, providing links to Chinese media as well. Here's a few of the choice ones:
- Changing the name of Taiwan Post back to Chunghwa Post
- Worshipping Chiang Ching-kuo [only a slight exaggeration of the government sponsored celebration a few weeks ago commemorating what would have been his 100th birthday]
- Changing the name of Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall back to Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
- Having certain government officials dealing with China take a test on the Chinese constitution [as MT pointed out to me, this actually makes more sense than it sounds like]
- Seriously curtailing human rights during ARATS head Chen Yun-lin's visit to Taiwan
- Re-opening the mausoleum of Chiang Kai-shek.
- Reintroducing the serviceman's doctrine.
- Reintroducing a song at the Army's military academy which includes the line, "the [KMT] party flag waves"
- Reintroducing the military song "I love China"
- The Taipei City government specifically doing checks on the book sof pro-Green businesses
- Asking departments to check on what male civil servants wear when on duty to make sure it is appropriate (really necessary?)
- The MOI asking the CNA to alter its reporting to be more China- and Ma-friendly
- Reintroducting student formations in the Double Ten parade
- Putting military instructors in middle and elementary schools and re-expanding their roles
- The police breaking up legal private assemblies
To illustrate, please take a look at or Under the hood, each story there is stored as a record of a database table. As a result, query and search are easy, and the data can be presented differently with simple programming.
Assume we now have a project hosted at to collect (in a database) Ma's atrocities. Each of 韋禎's original stories, 阿牛's translation of it, and other relevant information such as source, date, etc will be in one logical record for easy use.
Friday, March 27, 2009
It pays to be computer literate
breakfast details: downstairs near the conf. registration desk from @doughellmannabout 14 hours ago from webSaving money is nice, but much more important is to learn things. Here is a tweet from Brock Freeman:
Crowne Plaza has free wifi in room if you are (or join on the spot) their loyalty program, according to the front desk. from @Shentonfreude12:19 PM Mar 26th from web
RT @evernote: #EvernoteClarifiGiveaway; if your not using Evernote what in the *!?% are you waiting for?12:26 PM Mar 20th from TweetDeckAnother one from riceagain :
The worlds most beautiful female politicians AM Mar 26th from GinxI teach a six-week College Algebra course in USD's Guadalajara Summer program. A computer literate student will get the textbook from for $1, plus shipping. In contrast, a computer illiterate student will get a new copy for $125.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Use the Internet
Learn from Obama
Read this 2009-01-26 New York Times report on how Obama plans to connect his government with Americans: Melding Obama’s Web to a YouTube Presidency. Even when Obama sets such an example of how to put the infinitely powerful Internet to use, Taiwanese remain content with their slingshots.
Computer literate people should actively give workshops to teach
- effective use of browsers including addons/extensions
- effective use of emailers to minimize spams and maximize efficiency
- publishing to the web
- social networking for collaboration
- and much, much more
Monday, January 19, 2009
Listen to 大話新聞/頭家來開講 without a TV set
What is the logic behind Taiwanese hating a potential thief (Chen) with passion, but letting Satan himself (Ma) off the hook?In my attempt to not talk about Chen Shiu-Bian, I asked him about Freddy Lim. Who? He asked. I was amazed of his ignorance about Freddy.
I: Do you watch 大話新聞 (Freddy is occasionally a penalist)?I don't have a TV set either. Furthermore, I live in the American Continent at least seven months out of a year. But I listen (using an iPod) to 大話新聞 and 頭家來開講 almost everyday when I drive and when I take a walk. I wrote a blog entry at 大話新聞/頭家來開講 describing how to do it. Here is a simple summary:
He: No, I don't have a TV set.
- Visit Taiwan Yes
- Download the MP4 files to your PC
- Download the MP4 files to your iPhone/iPod or MP3 players
Friday, January 9, 2009
Publish to the web
Don't just email
It is critical that Taiwanese turn their emails into web pages, so that they change from internal to external and invisible to visible. Note:If we do not publish to the web, Taiwanese' voice will be very feeble. To give you an example: if more Taiwanese had blogged on 李慶安, she would have been prosecuted earlier. The fact is, few Taiwanese had. As a result, when you googled for 李慶安, you used to get almost nothing. Another example: many of my blogs display a KMT fact box, like this:
- We should not be preaching to the choirs and to just make ourselves happy. We should focus on changing those 7,659,014 people who voted for Ma and KMT.
- Email, once turned into a web page has a permanent existence and available to anybody. I am not saying you should not email. You should publish it as web page, then email.
- I may delete your email because I have no time to read now; I cannot delete your web page and I can read it anytime I want.
- Google and other search engines cannot catalog your emails, but they will quickly catalog your web pages to make them easy to find.
- Publishing web pages is no more difficult than emailing. You can even publish blogspot blogs by emailing. Let me know if you have questions about this.
李慶安2008年3月12日遭踢爆雙重國籍, 距今See or
303 天貓纜2008年10月1日Stonewall investigation , 距今
100 天柯建銘2008年8月9日控告馬英九叛國, 距今
153 天戴正德2008年8月25日控告馬英九叛國, 距今
137 天陳水扁2008年8月25日控告馬英九叛國, 距今
65 天
Imagine the impact of such a box if more Taiwanese are willing to display it [by spending two seconds.]
Please let me know if I can help you in any way to make you publish.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Introducing Daiwan <>
- Don't just email. Blog so that your writing can be read by anybody, can be instantly located by google-search, and are permanently archived.
- Wherever possible, show the source of the used material.
- Go light on things like 周熄尾縣長! or 馬無能先生因為昨夜性無能. Focus your power on changing the 7,659,014 people who voted for 馬英九 and KMT.
1/9 包圍立法院逼退外國籍立委"行動
包圍方式:包圍立法院7個出入口〈中山南路大門 ─ 1號出入口,濟南路群賢樓 ─ 2號出入口、地下車道與人員出入口 ─ 3號出入口、平面車道 ─ 4號出入口,鎮江街人員出入口 ─ 5號出入口,青島東路平面車道 ─ 6號出入口,青島東路天橋 ─ 7號出入口〉,管制人員車輛出入,車輛只出不入、
18%年息近800億 夠發消費券
低利時代 40萬人享高利
1. 推動美國、中國與台灣的「正和」(positive-sum)
2. 修補並強化美台關係 - 美國堅定的支持可讓馬英九更有信心,持續與北京談判,
3. 鼓勵兩岸進一步改善關係 - 美國將持續鼓勵兩岸協商,尋求解決問題及和平解決歧見,
4. 不更動「一個中國」政策,但可能修改其中說法。 - 美中3項聯合公報與台灣關係法,依然是美中「一中政策」的基礎,
5. 要求中國降低對台軍事部署 - 歐巴瑪政府要更迫使中國,減緩對台灣的軍事威脅。
6. 堅定支持台灣參與國際組織 - 馬英九執政後,台北採用較務實的方式,
7. 與台灣維持強有力的安全關係 - 美國將尋求建立1個能讓台灣覺得安全,
8. 支持台灣的民主體系 - 歐巴瑪政府會支持反映台灣人民期望的民主體系。
金融危機會進一步惡化, 真正嚴冬未到來.
郎咸平 香港中文大學教授
小雞 竹科工程師,無薪休假中
這一波世界金融海嘯來的是又猛又迅, 包括政府, 企業主, 一家之主很多人都是措手不及, 傷害嚴重, 當然也就拖累了大部分的平民百姓. 尤其很多人在這年關將近之際, 不得不面對波波的無薪假甚或是失業無收入, 日子難過可想一般. 在這艱困時下, 我願提出個人經驗與有緣人分享, 希望好朋友們能平順的過此難關.
首先, 我建議要重建家庭生活. 彌補過去在蜂蟻般生活中, 所忽略的夫妻恩愛, 親子互動, 家人同遊, 以及孝親父母的行為. 夫妻此時絕對要以關懷代替抱怨爭吵, 分擔家務代替怨天尤人及苛責政府. 而包括幫夫妻父母老家, 社區大清掃, 除舊布新DIY,迎新年, 是最有意義的活動. 趁此時機常跟父母小住, 聊聊走走. 常幫子女輔導, 說說動動, 跟鄰居, 老同學多多互動, 掰掰唱唱, 都會讓你一家洋溢溫馨, 與鄰里祥和互動. 這也將讓你被回饋的親愛及有誼所擁抱. 而這些深入人心的親情溫暖, 友情關懷, 絕對是你面對人生低潮時的不二良藥. 這樣的生活, 自然讓人精神飽滿而煥發, 時時讓你勇於迎接隔日的任何意外曙光.
其次, 我奉勸要重建健康生活. 失業是一時的, 但絕不是不治之症. 以前民進黨執政想想狀況比現在真的好太多,可是我們把人家罵成那
台灣大學生機會 不在中國
BillyPan 傳授怎麼樣在網路上查李慶安的國籍
在台灣解嚴的隔年 ── 1988 年,一群關心八斗子公共事務的鄉親們,力邀當時已俱有社會知名度
2008 年八斗子地區最大的公共議題是「反對深澳電廠卸煤碼頭」,
2050年回顧中國民國侵略台灣, 日誌090107
1. 美國14參議員連署, 要布希盯住馬英九侵犯台灣人自由與民主等人權的現象. 美國商業安全局說, 高科技武器賣台灣, 已經無法保證馬英九會不會轉呈給中國, 所以必須防範! 台美人應該提醒美國國會, 中國獲得的最大宗美國武器科技, 多半來自以色列! 以色列數十年來, 全民聯中滅台的意向極為明顯.
2. 美聯社直接點名馬英九是尼克森翻版, 以公權力打壓台灣政敵與台灣人.
3. 北縣政績吊車尾, 出奇招救民生, 堅持擴大抓野狗部隊的編制, 於是縣內阿公阿媽通通去報名應徵. 大家也都很納悶.. 您這位進口縣長, 豬頭上的烏紗帽都快沒了, 還忙著滅掉豬尾巴上的小火苗呢, 周熄尾縣長!
4. 馬桶經濟下民不聊生, 軍公教娛樂消費貸款無上限, 利息1.92%, 農民拿土地去農會與土銀辦貸款買農藥, 貸款金額低得可憐, 利息卻要4%以上, 意思是說.. 農民若想買農藥自殺, 成本上, 竟比軍公教找女人的娛樂費還要貴!
5. 大學生一畢業, 助學貸款約欠50萬元, 利息2.05%, 畢業後每月負擔5000多元, 要付100個月以上. 以前年輕人畢業就負債, 現在很多人是畢業就破產, 工作不保, 所有帳戶被查封, 個人及家人連帶信用破產, .. 有人因繳不起助學貸款, 希望協商被銀行拒絕, 銀行以醜陋的嘴臉相向, 馬上強迫學生將利息由2.05%拉高到6.66% (否則要求立即還清!), 同時間再透由法院逼債! 馬桶經濟下, 台灣的銀行嘴臉極度囂張, 一腳進法院逼債, 一腳進討債公司賣債權給黑道! 台中學生爆料, 目前全台灣, 沒錢唸書, 辦休學的大學生高達15%!
6. 勞貸事件歹戲拖棚, 880萬勞工於13天之內, 被准貸紓困的才14萬4000人, 紓貸者必須有工作, 或剛被解職, 須有勞保, 勞保金足夠申貸才行, 所以, 勞工等於是拿自己的錢幫自己, 目前雖延長2週申請, 額度卻只剩50億, 預計不到6天就沒錢可貸了! 比起貸款無上限的軍公教, 勞工是標準賤民! 勞保局實際提領年終獎金竟達4.5個月, 不是3.1個月! 勞保局說台灣失業率4.6%, 經濟日報批馬戲班嚴重說謊, 已經100萬失業, 失業率破10%.
7. 健保局賤事又一樁, 貧戶因太太住院花費過大, 欠健保費1萬多元(四口人四個月)(等於兩次未繳), 健保局不向台北市馬英九追究800億, 瀆職與挪用公款等罪行, 竟叫法院查封該貧戶郵局與銀行戶頭共1000多元的生活費. 下月份健保費堅持要全民漲價, 畜牲當道, 全民遭殃!
8. 40.1萬個軍公教退休人員的18%利息, 幾乎拖垮台灣經濟與縣市經濟, 台灣每個月要付這些米蟲64億元, 每年共付800億元. 這些都是中國進口黨的米蟲投票部隊. 反觀, 880萬勞工, 在馬英九與其馬戲班的眼裡是啥?
9. 中國進口黨, 最近在人事行政局, 狗腿子局長的踏青號召下, 吹起公務人員踏青玩球運動, 高官們互打乒乓球, 中階公務人員展現踢皮球的功力, 馬英九的馬戲團則一球三玩, 乒乓球, 踢皮球之外, 還玩躲避球. 至於馬長瘤10人小組還有一項任務, 那就是玩高爾夫球, 打飛機, 天天打空砲彈. 至於法院和立法院嘛, 都還在玩假奶球和水球的遊戲, 比賽說謊之餘, 還演行動劇, 泡(非砲)打自己人, 演給人民看.
10.阿扁乙案, 了無新意, 我們昨天就說對了, 高院禁止律師抗告, 不准再抗告. 就中國侵略台灣後的體制來看, 爬到高院已經很不容易, 搖尾巴是天天要做的事. 在台灣, 對不對的基準點在法律人, 不在法律. 法律人爽不爽, 會不會影響到他的工作或前途, 都有法律幫他背書, 決定對錯; 人民其實只是個【屁】. 想想中華民國侵略台灣的文化, 蔣借屎如何看待他們的中華民國? 馬英九怎麼看待他們國家的國旗? 法律人自然是以同樣角度看待法律, 那就是【衛生紙文化】, 三大原則.. 私人工具, 用途廣泛, 用完即丟! 在此重提昨天一段話.. 馬英九選舉, 聽說台商就給了他近十億政治獻金, 另外, 還有三大科技公司各給他10億 (其他.. 例如陳敏勳等等..另計.), 所以, 不紓困給這些柱仔腳, 怎說得過去? 支助這些中國籍台商, 也算是幫祖國稅收作創匯呀, 一舉兩得! 李遠哲納悶問道..阿扁收政治獻金叫做貪污, 馬英九和國民黨, 從立委選舉到總統選舉, 收數倍到數十倍, 就叫政治獻金, 差那麼多? 難道特賤組不用查? 特賤組回答說”他們是中國人和中國註冊過的二狗子耶, 只有台灣賤民才須查呀!”
11.阿扁乙案, 台北地院換法官, 被查出, 竟然只是庭長間的協調與自願, 不鳥規定. 高院頌揚地院二狗子行為是高尚的. 阿扁在看守所裡慢跑, 被中國進口媒體偷拍, 拍攝地點竟是看守所行政大樓往外拍攝. 法院與檢察署果然是中國人開的!
12.高雄潮寮國中國小, 百餘師生因大發工業區嚴重中毒, 馬英九的馬戲班團隊找不到毒源! 目前醫院無法解毒, 且恐有後遺症產生! 無法置信的是, 在環保局專業監視下, 該校四次聞毒住院, 然後環保局說找不到毒源! 環保局長沈世宏到現場開會, 說完馬英九是大有為政府之後, 態度不佳, 假藉理由匆匆落跑, 大家在猜, 不知他是否逃回他的祖國加拿大求援去了.. 他是馬英九的人, 自然怕死, 自然不敢應邀住在該村幾個晚上. 由於老師中毒者眾, 學校缺老師, 即使中毒+懷孕, 還是要教書, 到廁所吐完, 還是要回教室上課, 多人咳出血. 學生天天喊肚子痛, 哭, 吐, 暈, 虛脫, 情況極慘! 馬英九那幾天, 幾乎天天在高雄吃大餐綁樁, 早就知道此事, 就是不敢去看, 大家早就知道他怕死怕事, 這種人不應該罵畜牲? 期間, 有中國籍家長83歲,國中三年級的兒子中毒, 當父親的, 因心急, 心肌梗塞死亡! 村民說要高雄縣長幫忙申請國賠, 每人先撥十萬治病, 新潮流的楊秋興縣長哼了一聲走人, 中國官僚氣勢十足, 反正縣長任期已經屆滿, 誰鳥你! 監察院王建宣說這是小屁屁的事, 不歸監察院管, 與葉耀鵬監委拒絕理會! 經濟日報要馬英九不要再演戲, 不要光做表面功夫了! 中國籍南方朔說馬英九不但無心, 也無意願替台灣做事! 國校女老師氣到大罵馬英九應該改名牛英九, 假純潔, 以沉默掩飾欺騙, 凡事不願意做, 還自以為清高, 全都被看破手腳!
13.藍鳥人在找黃芳彥, 中國進口的特賤組故意放話說黃只是證人不是被告, 企圖邀黃回台共商如何陷害阿扁; 釣魚氣氛濃厚; 前兩周辜家陷害阿扁, 最近也被起訴了, 檢察官不告, 法官依然整死你, 全是騙局一場! 台灣是有不少人建議, 協尋馬英九在美國失散許久的兩個女兒, 若知道下落, 預計要勸其回國! 同時回饋中國進口的馬英九亂台的辛勞. 聽說這兩人, 原則上離不開馬英九陷害百餘台灣人的老巢波士頓, 或馬英九的親屬聚集地NYC(法拉盛區).
14.李慶安昨天說她根本沒有在美國繳過稅.., 所以不是美國籍. 她已經招了..沒有在美國繳過稅.. 不就是說.. 在美國沒有繳過稅, 那就是說自己從開始到現在都有逃漏美國稅? 看樣子, 她事情大條了, 台美人應盡速施壓國務院通緝她. 中國進口黨, 昨在立院阻擋有關取消李慶安立委資格問題, 沒啥唸書的, 雲林縣出名的二狗子張碩刎明目張膽出賣台灣價值! 中國進口黨似乎已經透過外交部, 企圖逼迫美國公開說李慶安已經放棄美國籍, 所以才會要大家等到月底再說! 其實這些二狗子怕的是.. 援例辦馬英九. 繼外交部拒絕將美國相關公函提交給立法院, 昨天外交部同樣拒絕檢察署…馬英九涉案似乎很明顯! 台美人應該呼籲美國國會通緝李慶安, 快刀斬亂麻!
15.馬英九擴大內虛, 綁樁共花583億, 大家蓋殯儀館之餘, 都想在鄉市鎮公所門口裝設LED看板, 每個造價約770萬元, 不過經查, 打嘴泡變相拿錢者居多.
16.兩個月前, 馬英九說中國下單買2000噸柳丁, 其實只是打打嘴砲; 昨天才首運120噸去廈門, 預計兩周後再運240噸, 若要等下下次運輸, 不知台灣冷藏電費要損失多少? 誰花?! 不冷藏不就早爛光了? 難道又是馬氏騙局? 大家還記得? 說到雲林縣柳丁, 陳雲林哭了, 說臺灣人民好可憐, 然後馬英九接著兩天大讚陳雲林功德無量, 中國統一有望! 大家都在問, 陳雲林怎知雲林縣柳丁滯銷? 誰和他一起編製這齣樣板戲?
17.有朋友說馬英九的詐騙真的很恐怖, 【苦民所苦】的台灣話涵義是【苦你咧苦!】, 【聞聲救苦】的台語正解是【光聽聲音就知道很悽慘!】
18.彰化的火車站, 醫院..等公共場所, 幾乎已被流浪漢佔用, 全省皆如此, 很多家庭每餐一人只剩一顆饅頭. 台灣經濟被馬英九搞垮的今天, 治安已亮紅燈, 馬無能先生因為昨夜性無能, 被他老婆趕出門, 怕死, 所以命令劉照懸必須搞好治安, 否則槍斃.