Therefore, it is such a mystery to me that, now in 2012, few US-educated Taiwanese I know write Chinese in their electronic communications such as email.
They would type invented English like Nan-fang Shuo when they mean to say 南方朔; Chen Yi-Sheng for 陳儀深; Ts'ai-hsun for 財訊, and bo-dua bo-se for 沒大沒小. It is hard to write such English. Readers take a long time to decipher Chen Yi-Sheng. 誰是陳一陷? Many will never figure out what bo-dua bo-se means.
People write 100% English even when they have difficulty expressing themselves in 100% English. Someone criticized such phenomenon bluntly as follows:
雖然大家為了鍵入方便,喜歡以英文溝通, 但我發現大多數人在專業以外,對英文的理解能力是大有問題的,或者根本不花心思去理解,If you have avoided Chinese input, please try it now by handwriting. Three things can happen:所以我以下以中文書寫 ...
- You will find it to be so easy.
- You will make your writing accessible to those people who do not read English, making you so much more influential.
- You won't lose your ability to handwrite Chinese because you will do it regularly. In contrast, those people who do not handwrite Chinese stand to lose such ability.
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