Friday, July 9, 2010

When Google messes up your life
and ignores your request for help

Google has become a very important part of my life.  For example, I count on Google to make sure my Google site [I Love Taiwan] Google Group  work smoothly 24/7.  When an important Google service stops working and Google would not help fixing it, it is a very serious problem.

Here is an example. For more then three weeks now, my Google Sites have become disabled while all other Google Apps continue to work. I wrote many times to ask for assistance, getting no useful response, and the Sites continues to be disabled.

When we rely on Google for important services such as Email, Sites, Calendar, Blogs, Google Apple Engine, etc., any disruption of these services is a disruption to our lives. Google Inc must be sensitive to users' needs. Internet users should ask Google Inc whether they can rely on its services.


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