Thursday, September 4, 2008

Make photos available at high resolution

Here is an amazing picture of 830 Anti-Ma rally. It is rather small at 400 x 243 and 48K. I wish a very high resolution version is available on the web, but I have not found one. With this entry, I am calling for photographers to make their high resolution pictures available by publishing albums using software such as PicasaWeb or PyAlbum.

Here are stamp-sized pictures from 809 Anti-Ma rally:
At this thumbnail size, you cannot see much detail. Now, click on the third picture from the top row, and you get a low resolution picture at Do you recognize this celebrity at this resolution? Most don't. Finally, if you cilck on the lower half of this picture, you get the full resolution picture at
At this size: 3888x2592, 12.8MB, any Taiwanese will recognize her.

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