Thursday, July 19, 2012

謹把此文獻給不打中文的台灣人: readers' feedback

I. Ed suggests the use of iPad, and writing pads such as those made by PenPower.  I personally finger write on the trackpad of a MacBookPro.  But writing pad or tablet of any kind that supports writing by finger either on the pad or on the display should work well.

You encouraged people to write Hanji, but you did not show how to do this.

For instance, one can hand write Hanji by using a pad made by Pen-power.  But better yet, one can use i-Pad to write Hanji with your own finger.

II. Taiwan Echo recommends a non-trivial use of Google translate as a way for Chinese input:
中文打字 is actually very easy, because it is "pinyin", it follows the sound of English alphabets. For example, typing "taiwan" gives you 台灣,"keshi" gives you 可是, "buyao" gives you 不要, etc.

So anyone familiar with the English keyboard can easily pick that up.

If you r interested and have time for some practice, take 5~10 minutes to visit:

Turn the left panel to Chinese and check the box [ ] 允許以拼字方式輸入

and you can start typing. Don't even have to install anything.
III. Sean recommends 注音輸入法:
Leave a comment if you have other recommendations.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

For Taiwanese who do not use handwriting for Chinese input: why you must

Chinese input through handwriting is as easy as handwriting on a piece of paper.  Anyone who has a smartphone should already know this. 
Therefore, it is such a mystery to me that, now in  2012, few US-educated Taiwanese I know write Chinese in their electronic communications such as email.  

They would type invented English like Nan-fang Shuo when they mean to say 南方朔; Chen Yi-Sheng for 陳儀深;  Ts'ai-hsun for 財訊, and bo-dua bo-se for 沒大沒小.   It is hard to write such English.  Readers take a long time to decipher Chen Yi-Sheng.  誰是陳一陷?  Many will never figure out what bo-dua bo-se means.  

People write 100% English even when they have difficulty expressing themselves in 100% English.  Someone criticized such phenomenon bluntly as follows:
雖然大家為了鍵入方便,喜歡以英文溝通, 但我發現大多數人在專業以外,對英文的理解能力是大有問題的,或者根本不花心思去理解,所以我以下以中文書寫 ...
If you have avoided Chinese input, please try it now by handwriting.  Three things can happen: 
  • You will find it to be so easy.
  • You will make your writing accessible to those people who do not read English, making you so much more influential. 
  • You won't lose your ability to handwrite Chinese because you will do it regularly.  In contrast, those people who do not handwrite Chinese stand to lose such ability.
Let me know if you have questions.