Did you know that our city is planning to close several branches of the public library? This includes my very own branch in Ocean Beach. I know there are budget problems, but in my opinion this is not a good solution.
If you are also concerned you could email your city council person and/or mayor sanders to protest. I just did so. If your branch is one of the ones that may be closed there may also be local protests. I will be protesting in Ocean Beach on Saturday at noon. I think the mayor is claiming that the branches to be closed are not heavily used. I can't speak about the other branches, but for the Ocean Beach branch, this is simply not true. If you go in there are always lots of people there. (I think they may not all be checking out books, but they are there reading newspapers, magazines and books and using the computers. For many in Ocean Beach, this may be the only place they have computer access.)
Libraries are places where children, senior citizens and low income people can access books. For some in these groups traveling further to get another branch is not a good option.
To find out who your council person is and their email go to http://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/
To email the mayor JerrySanders@sandiego.gov
twitter.msn網路動員 鄉民的社會參與
野草莓運動部落格中,除了表達抗議訴求以外,還有相當豐富的資訊,包括現場直播、相關影片、部落客評論等,由公民記者Rousseau製作的野草莓運動聲 音影片中,參與靜坐的學生充分表達了自己的聲音,有人對擔憂自己的母親喊話,「媽,我知道你很擔心我們....,媽,我真的知道我在做什麼,我們在做對的 事情。」也有人表達參與活動的理念,「來這裡是為了要證明,民主對台灣人來講,不只是香水而已,民主對我們來講,是很重要的價值,而我們正捍衛 著...」。
Yahoo!Live現場直播 全台各地串聯
遊覽車集結北上?這是老一代的活動方式,新世代的野草莓充分發揮網路跨地域的特質,除了台北自由廣場的主線,還延伸了新竹場、台中場、台南場、高雄場等抗 議現場,串聯與轉播的方式是Yahoo!Live、宣傳小貼紙、網上連署,用幾台NootBook無線上網,巧妙的運用了Yahoo!Live做為現場直 播功能,讓大家隨時在網路看到全台的靜坐情形,還有學生用國台語、英語講解現場狀況。
野莓之聲 我不是溫室花朵...
「我不是溫室花朵,你也不用假裝溫柔」,「我們有屬於我們的夢我們有我們的話想說」沒有愛國歌曲與古板教條,野草莓學運中被傳唱,甚至改編 成MV的歌曲,是由網友nelleven創作的「野莓之聲」,nelleven在個人部落格上表示,支持學生獨立思考與實行精神,還幽默的說,「我野草苺 永遠不會是野百合,因為我們搾成汁之後,是還可以喝的」。
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