Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to download youTube movies?

There are many good movie clips in youTube that I would really like to keep before it becomes unavailable. Do you know how to do it?

A google search on youtube download produced 470,000,000 results, some of which should be useful.  One of my favorites was to use a bookmarklet, one click of which used to add a download link in the youTube's movie page I was watching.  Unfortunately, this bookmarklet ceased to work when youTube renovated its web site just a couple of weeks ago.

I will offer two solutions that work as of today:
I am unable to find an extension for Google Chrome that works, but I am sure it is a matter of time.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How computer addiction turns people into zombies

Thanks go to 戰地記者 for these pictures:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Make Taiwanese more computer literate and better persons

As I listen to 大話新聞 or 新台灣論壇 and hear viewers called-in to request that the program be re-played to allow people more opportunities to watch the program, I hope the viewers could be advised to go to sites such as 南方, http://taiwanus.net/, http://taiwanyes.com/, or http://www.youtube.com/ to watch the program archives.

Better yet, download them to your iPod so you can listen to them anywhere you go, including walking, running or driving. To listen to iPod in your car, one should get a FM transmitter for iPod, costing about $10.

Don't lie or hide in the Internet age

This is what happened after 郝龍斌 blocked hostile plurkers and deleted unfavorable comments.
自由電子報: 郝龍斌封鎖噗友挨轟 「郝杯杯」惡搞 【2010/3/7 19:10】

〔本報訊〕台北市長郝龍斌前日首次開設噗浪(Plurk)帳號,但因為一晚封鎖400多名網友以及刪除大量留言,遭噗友批評為排除異己,引發爭議,事隔一 日,噗浪上出現署名「郝杯杯」的網友,針對郝封鎖網友一事極盡諷刺,並以穿將軍服的郝柏村手抱著3歲郝龍斌的照片當作個人照,在噗友間引起熱烈討論,質疑 是「郝伯伯─郝柏村」。對此,郝龍斌7日做出回應,表示「郝杯杯」並非父親郝柏村。



 儘管「郝杯杯」只是網友故意惡搞取的名字,但仍吸引大批遭到郝龍斌封鎖的網友上門尋求慰藉,網友:「被郝呆斌封掉的,來跟『郝杯杯』告狀吧!」「郝杯 杯」則諷刺地說:「我不肖兒聾斌最近幹了啥壞事啊?」噗友你一言、我一語,就是要給郝龍斌一個震撼教育,讓他不敢再亂封鎖網友、刪留言。
Even today, KMT 中國國民黨 still tries to hide and whitewash its atrocities in Taiwan that started with 1947-02-28 massacre and followed with white terror and the longest-running martial law. Can KMT 中國國民黨 get away with murder? Here is a hint: on 2010-03-07, a google search on white terror taiwan produced 176,000 matches. In the Internet age, only fools can be fooled.
鄭麗真: 歷史詮釋權

 「二二八事件」 「霧社事件」「礁吧年事件」「「美麗島事件」等所有曾經發生在台灣的重大慘事,最重量級的用字都是僅以「事件」稱之;「五卅慘案」「廬溝橋事變」「文化大革命」「南京大屠殺」發生在中國大陸的不幸,卻都以特別嚴重的字眼命名。你注意到了這些差別嗎?




